† Mission Statement †

The mission of Joint Heirs Adoption Ministry is to advocate for the orphan as we are commanded by God. We feel it is our responsibility and privilege to educate and assist individuals and families, emotionally as well as financially in their journey through adoption by raising awareness in our community and around the world, enabling Christians to open their hearts and homes to children in need of forever families.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

FREE Food & Water

What an awesome thing to do!  Giving someone free food and water.  There are two great sites that do just that, while playing learning games.  These would be great for your home schooled students or for your child to share at school with their teachers.  Get the whole class involved and see what an impact you can have on the world!!!

A great opportunity to provide food is www.freerice.com 

Pretty great day.... all in all I've donated 136 cups of water and 460 grains of rice in the last 20 minutes.

I dare you to beat my record! ;o)

Just click on the donate now button to start playing.  Here's the link in case my html doesn't work right is www.freepoverty.com

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